Archive for the ‘LinkedIn’ Category

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hee hee!

If you are an entrepreneur who is trying to get their business off the ground, crowdfunding may just be what you need to turn to… Watch this great little video to get you started!

Graham KnowlesDigital Guerilla Sydney Web Design and Digital Marketing

Ask five designers how they handle client design presentations and you’ll get five different answers. Some like to do their presentations in person, accompanying their designs with printouts detailing specific highlights. Others prefer utilizing an online screen sharing experience and talking their clients through their design in real time. And then there are those who simply ship off the jpgs in an email outlining the design’s main points. No matter what your method is for revealing your design, it is important to use tools and resources that can make your presentation successful. Without further ado, here’s a list of some of the best apps and tools for delivering the perfect client presentation…..more
Free Ebook Written by Five LinkedIn Experts

OK so we’re all on LinkedIn and we think we know what we’re doing (mostly!), but when an expert offers you some free advice only the very foolish wouldn’t listen.  Here is another great free eBook from HubSpot put together by 5 top LinkedIn experts..

Graham Knowles Digital Guerilla

Learning LinkedIn From the Experts: How to Build a Powerful Business Presence on LinkedIn

In HubSpot’s newest ebook, Learning LinkedIn from the Experts, five LinkedIn specialists provide key insight into how you can use LinkedIn to successfully grow your network and business.

With this ebook, you will learn how to:

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FREE EBOOK >>> eBook – Learning LinkedIn from The Experts

Graham Knowels